Title : Doggy's Doghouse 12/1/19
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Doggy's Doghouse 12/1/19

And Hot Chocolate at the end!!!
No crazy upsets on Sunday. Thank god, I'm exhausted!!!
No. 21 Depaul had a close call but hung on to beat Northwestern 70-68. The Blue Demons did their usual thing and took 23 three point shots and hit 39% of them. They struggled holding on to the ball with 21 turnovers. Too many. But they had 26 assists. A typical Doug Bruno coached team. Always a tough out.
No. 20 Tennessee continued it's run through their Gauntlet of a tough schedule, beating Air Force 81-57. 16,000 capacity Thompson Boiling Arena was busting at the seams with their 8032 in attendance. They have an SOS in the 300's. How can anyone make a judgement on how good this team is based on this incredibly weak schedule?
Remember this series of plays in the Syracuse Green Bay game in the last 52 seconds?
Syracuse makes a free throw. 56-50. 52 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a three point shot. 56-53. 43 seconds left.
Syracuse make a free throw. 57-53. 33 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a three point shot. 57-56. 31 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 59-56. 23 seconds left.
Green Bay makes two free throws. 59-58. 22 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 61-58. 21 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a free throw. 61-59. 10 seconds left
Syracuse makes two free throws. 63-59. 10 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a layup. 63-61. 3 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a free throw. 63-62. 3 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 65-62. 2 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a hail mary three pointer with no time left. The officials reviewed and basket was good. 65-65 at the buzzer!!!!
Here is the video of some of those plays. It does have the Hail Mary shot.
Syracuse makes a free throw. 56-50. 52 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a three point shot. 56-53. 43 seconds left.
Syracuse make a free throw. 57-53. 33 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a three point shot. 57-56. 31 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 59-56. 23 seconds left.
Green Bay makes two free throws. 59-58. 22 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 61-58. 21 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a free throw. 61-59. 10 seconds left
Syracuse makes two free throws. 63-59. 10 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a layup. 63-61. 3 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a free throw. 63-62. 3 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 65-62. 2 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a hail mary three pointer with no time left. The officials reviewed and basket was good. 65-65 at the buzzer!!!!
Here is the video of some of those plays. It does have the Hail Mary shot.
So, No. 1 Oregon and No. 2 Baylor lost. How will this impact the poll coming out on Monday?
Based on what I have seen over the many years of poll watching, this is going to be a tough one to call. I'm thinking that many voters will only knock Oregon down 2 slots. Baylor will move two slots down too. That means that Stanford will move up 2 spots and UConn will move up 2 spots.
And Louisville and South Carolina?
The Cards could move up three spots and South Carolina will stay the same as they also lost to Indiana before beating Baylor.
So here is my guess, not how I would vote.
1. Stanford
2. UConn
3. Oregon
4. Baylor
5. Louisville
6. South Carolina
7. Texas A&M
8. Oregon State
9. Maryland
10. UCLA
How would I vote?
1. UConn
2-25. Who cares!!
By David in Naples!!!!!
On a day when the #1 and #2 teams in the country lost and the #3 team barely won, one could surmise that there was some very poor shooting. It was worse than one might even think. Consider:
1. Louisville (#8) beat Oregon, the #1, 72-62, taking advantage of Oregon going 6-35 from three-point range. Oregon missed 29 three-point shots..!! That is a shooting % of 17%. The sad part is L'Ville shot poorly as well, going 5-18 or 28%. It is a wonder both didn't lose. 
2. Baylor, ranked #2 in the country, also lost to #5 South Carolina 74-59. Given the margin of victory, South Carolina must have shot the ball lights out, right? Not exactly. They went 4-13 or 31% from three-point range. Obviously, Baylor sucked even worse, going 2-9 or 22% from long range.
3. Stanford, the #3 team, actually won, but still stunk from 3 pt range. They went 5-19 or 26%. Mississippi State (#10) also only made 5 threes, but took only 14 tries. Their 36% was the high water mark for these six teams listed as some of the best in the country.
Overall, the three games produced a combined 27 three point baskets on 108 tries. That is an incredibly bad 25%. By comparison, UConn's 46-143 or 37% is starting to look downright decent. Take out Anna Makurat's poor 4-21 start and the Huskies come in at 41% shooting for the rest of the team.
Go Huskies..!!
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Top Twenty-Five Scores and Links
Upsets in Red
Upsets in Red
No. 6 Texas A&M at No. 12 Florida State
No. 11 UCLA 73 Virginia 62
No. 12 North Carolina State 76 North Texas 65
No. 14 Kentucky 81 Austin Peay 52
No. 16 DePaul 70 Northwestern 68
No. 20 Tennessee 81 Air Force 54
No. 22 Gonzaga at Purdue
Statistical Sites
Rankings and RPI Sites
Message Boards
UConn Territory - The best UConn women's message board ever!!!
College Fans Only - WCBB board where no holds are barred
Vol Nation - Tennessee women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
ND Nation - Notre Dame women's basketball board
Rebkell - WCBB for everyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else
I'm always open for suggestions. Just please reply to this blog or email me at:

And Hot Chocolate at the end!!!
No crazy upsets on Sunday. Thank god, I'm exhausted!!!
No. 21 Depaul had a close call but hung on to beat Northwestern 70-68. The Blue Demons did their usual thing and took 23 three point shots and hit 39% of them. They struggled holding on to the ball with 21 turnovers. Too many. But they had 26 assists. A typical Doug Bruno coached team. Always a tough out.
No. 20 Tennessee continued it's run through their Gauntlet of a tough schedule, beating Air Force 81-57. 16,000 capacity Thompson Boiling Arena was busting at the seams with their 8032 in attendance. They have an SOS in the 300's. How can anyone make a judgement on how good this team is based on this incredibly weak schedule?
Remember this series of plays in the Syracuse Green Bay game in the last 52 seconds?
Syracuse makes a free throw. 56-50. 52 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a three point shot. 56-53. 43 seconds left.
Syracuse make a free throw. 57-53. 33 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a three point shot. 57-56. 31 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 59-56. 23 seconds left.
Green Bay makes two free throws. 59-58. 22 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 61-58. 21 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a free throw. 61-59. 10 seconds left
Syracuse makes two free throws. 63-59. 10 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a layup. 63-61. 3 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a free throw. 63-62. 3 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 65-62. 2 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a hail mary three pointer with no time left. The officials reviewed and basket was good. 65-65 at the buzzer!!!!
Here is the video of some of those plays. It does have the Hail Mary shot.
Syracuse makes a free throw. 56-50. 52 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a three point shot. 56-53. 43 seconds left.
Syracuse make a free throw. 57-53. 33 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a three point shot. 57-56. 31 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 59-56. 23 seconds left.
Green Bay makes two free throws. 59-58. 22 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 61-58. 21 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a free throw. 61-59. 10 seconds left
Syracuse makes two free throws. 63-59. 10 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a layup. 63-61. 3 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a free throw. 63-62. 3 seconds left.
Syracuse makes two free throws. 65-62. 2 seconds left.
Green Bay makes a hail mary three pointer with no time left. The officials reviewed and basket was good. 65-65 at the buzzer!!!!
Here is the video of some of those plays. It does have the Hail Mary shot.
So, No. 1 Oregon and No. 2 Baylor lost. How will this impact the poll coming out on Monday?
Based on what I have seen over the many years of poll watching, this is going to be a tough one to call. I'm thinking that many voters will only knock Oregon down 2 slots. Baylor will move two slots down too. That means that Stanford will move up 2 spots and UConn will move up 2 spots.
And Louisville and South Carolina?
The Cards could move up three spots and South Carolina will stay the same as they also lost to Indiana before beating Baylor.
So here is my guess, not how I would vote.
1. Stanford
2. UConn
3. Oregon
4. Baylor
5. Louisville
6. South Carolina
7. Texas A&M
8. Oregon State
9. Maryland
10. UCLA
How would I vote?
1. UConn
2-25. Who cares!!
src="" width="320">
No Links
No. 6 Texas A&M at No. 12 Florida State
No. 11 UCLA 73 Virginia 62
No. 12 North Carolina State 76 North Texas 65
No. 14 Kentucky 81 Austin Peay 52
No. 16 DePaul 70 Northwestern 68
No. 20 Tennessee 81 Air Force 54
No. 22 Gonzaga at Purdue
Statistical Sites
Rankings and RPI Sites
By David in Naples!!!!!
On a day when the #1 and #2 teams in the country lost and the #3 team barely won, one could surmise that there was some very poor shooting. It was worse than one might even think. Consider:
1. Louisville (#8) beat Oregon, the #1, 72-62, taking advantage of Oregon going 6-35 from three-point range. Oregon missed 29 three-point shots..!! That is a shooting % of 17%. The sad part is L'Ville shot poorly as well, going 5-18 or 28%. It is a wonder both didn't lose. 
2. Baylor, ranked #2 in the country, also lost to #5 South Carolina 74-59. Given the margin of victory, South Carolina must have shot the ball lights out, right? Not exactly. They went 4-13 or 31% from three-point range. Obviously, Baylor sucked even worse, going 2-9 or 22% from long range.
3. Stanford, the #3 team, actually won, but still stunk from 3 pt range. They went 5-19 or 26%. Mississippi State (#10) also only made 5 threes, but took only 14 tries. Their 36% was the high water mark for these six teams listed as some of the best in the country.
Overall, the three games produced a combined 27 three point baskets on 108 tries. That is an incredibly bad 25%. By comparison, UConn's 46-143 or 37% is starting to look downright decent. Take out Anna Makurat's poor 4-21 start and the Huskies come in at 41% shooting for the rest of the team.
Go Huskies..!!
No Links
Top Twenty-Five Scores and Links
Upsets in Red
Upsets in Red
No. 6 Texas A&M at No. 12 Florida State
No. 11 UCLA 73 Virginia 62
No. 12 North Carolina State 76 North Texas 65
No. 14 Kentucky 81 Austin Peay 52
No. 16 DePaul 70 Northwestern 68
No. 20 Tennessee 81 Air Force 54
No. 22 Gonzaga at Purdue
Statistical Sites
Rankings and RPI Sites
Message Boards
UConn Territory - The best UConn women's message board ever!!!
College Fans Only - WCBB board where no holds are barred
Vol Nation - Tennessee women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
ND Nation - Notre Dame women's basketball board
Rebkell - WCBB for everyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else
I'm always open for suggestions. Just please reply to this blog or email me at:Thus articles Doggy's Doghouse 12/1/19
that is all articles Doggy's Doghouse 12/1/19 This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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