Title : Doggy's Doghouse 12/23/19
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Doggy's Doghouse 12/23/19

But it was pretty in this game!!!!
But it was pretty in this game!!!!
Once the clear cut favorite and No. 1 team Oregon lost, it seemed to me to be inevitable that UConn would take over that spot. With the Stanford loss to then unranked Texas on Sunday and UConn's annihilation of Oklahoma, the Huskies moved into the top spot for the first time since late 2018. Yes, not that long ago, but for some UConn fans, it has been an eternity.
I posted this in my Oklahoma Post Game report, but it bears repeating.
UConn is ranked NO. 1 in all the sites that use calculations to determine the team rankings.
RealtimeRPI has UConn No. 1 with the No. 3 SOS and it's not even close.
Massey has UConn No. 1 with the No. 2 SOS.
Sagarin has UConn No. 1 with the No. 23 SOS.
I like being No. 1, It just feels right.
So, what happened in the AP Top 25 after a week of interesting action?
No. 3 Oregon moved up to No. 2. No surprise there. What is a surprise is that they play again on Saturday against....wait for it....Corban University? Yes, in what is being called an exhibition game. Are you kidding me? Wouldn't a scrimmage be better for your team? I don't get it.
UConn was not a unanimous choice for No. 1. Oregon got 5 votes, No. 3 Oregon State got 5 votes and No. 4 South Carolina got 1 vote. UConn will be playing two of those three.
Stanford dropped to No. 5. Sounds about right. Texas is a little underrated, not in ranking as they moved up one spot into the top 25 but in the public mind. I think folks don't think much of their coach.
Louisville won but moved down a spot from 6 to 7. Baylor moved up a spot from 7 to 6. I guess it makes sense. The Cardinals barely beat UT Martin in two overtimes while Baylor hammed a terrible Arkansas State team. I would have dropped Louisville more. Clearly that win over Oregon was a little fluky, and they barely beat Kentucky, UT Martin and lost to Ohio State. That has to take a lot of luster off the Oregon win.
There are three undefeated teams right behind Louisville and at least one of not all three of those teams should be ahead of the Cardinals. That's Florida State, NC State and UCLA who just beat No. 12 Indiana and didn't move in the polls.
West Virginia had the biggest movement up in the poll, jumping 3 spots to No. 19.
Finally, as I predicted, Tennessee stayed in the top 25.
Several teams lost at the bottom of the rankings but Tennessee lost to Stanford by TWENTY SEVEN who lost to unranked (now ranked) Texas in the same week. And unbelievably, Tennessee moves from 23 to 22.
Is it the name? The history? The hopeful thoughts of having them a factor again?
Bottom line. Polls are crap. It's just fodder for internet discussion. I'm thankful for them. It give me something to write about.
And UConn is NO. 1!!!!!!
By David in Naples!!!!!
Olivia picked an odd game to have her coming out party. The evening started weird with Geno missing from the bench. It got odd quickly. Consider:
1. Olivia played 37 minutes and scored 27 points.
2. She grabbed 15 rebounds and made 13 baskets.
3. Liv blocked 7 shots and dominated in the lane.
4. She tried 3 free throws and made 1.
5. ONO added 3 assists and pilfered 1 steal.
6. In addition to Liv’s 27, the other starters scored 3, 11, 17 and 19 points.
7. The final score was 97-53.
A great, although very odd, victory for the Huskies...!!
Go UConn..!!!
1. Olivia played 37 minutes and scored 27 points.
2. She grabbed 15 rebounds and made 13 baskets.
3. Liv blocked 7 shots and dominated in the lane.
4. She tried 3 free throws and made 1.
5. ONO added 3 assists and pilfered 1 steal.
6. In addition to Liv’s 27, the other starters scored 3, 11, 17 and 19 points.
7. The final score was 97-53.
A great, although very odd, victory for the Huskies...!!
Go UConn..!!!
Top Twenty-Five Scores and Links
Upsets in Red
Upsets in Red
No Games Until Saturday, 12/28
Statistical Sites
Rankings and RPI Sites
Message Boards
UConn Territory - The best UConn women's message board ever!!!
College Fans Only - WCBB board where no holds are barred
Vol Nation - Tennessee women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
ND Nation - Notre Dame women's basketball board
Rebkell - WCBB for everyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else
I'm always open for suggestions. Just please reply to this blog or email me at:

But it was pretty in this game!!!!
But it was pretty in this game!!!!
Once the clear cut favorite and No. 1 team Oregon lost, it seemed to me to be inevitable that UConn would take over that spot. With the Stanford loss to then unranked Texas on Sunday and UConn's annihilation of Oklahoma, the Huskies moved into the top spot for the first time since late 2018. Yes, not that long ago, but for some UConn fans, it has been an eternity.
I posted this in my Oklahoma Post Game report, but it bears repeating.
UConn is ranked NO. 1 in all the sites that use calculations to determine the team rankings.
RealtimeRPI has UConn No. 1 with the No. 3 SOS and it's not even close.
Massey has UConn No. 1 with the No. 2 SOS.
Sagarin has UConn No. 1 with the No. 23 SOS.
I like being No. 1, It just feels right.
So, what happened in the AP Top 25 after a week of interesting action?
No. 3 Oregon moved up to No. 2. No surprise there. What is a surprise is that they play again on Saturday against....wait for it....Corban University? Yes, in what is being called an exhibition game. Are you kidding me? Wouldn't a scrimmage be better for your team? I don't get it.
UConn was not a unanimous choice for No. 1. Oregon got 5 votes, No. 3 Oregon State got 5 votes and No. 4 South Carolina got 1 vote. UConn will be playing two of those three.
Stanford dropped to No. 5. Sounds about right. Texas is a little underrated, not in ranking as they moved up one spot into the top 25 but in the public mind. I think folks don't think much of their coach.
Louisville won but moved down a spot from 6 to 7. Baylor moved up a spot from 7 to 6. I guess it makes sense. The Cardinals barely beat UT Martin in two overtimes while Baylor hammed a terrible Arkansas State team. I would have dropped Louisville more. Clearly that win over Oregon was a little fluky, and they barely beat Kentucky, UT Martin and lost to Ohio State. That has to take a lot of luster off the Oregon win.
There are three undefeated teams right behind Louisville and at least one of not all three of those teams should be ahead of the Cardinals. That's Florida State, NC State and UCLA who just beat No. 12 Indiana and didn't move in the polls.
West Virginia had the biggest movement up in the poll, jumping 3 spots to No. 19.
Finally, as I predicted, Tennessee stayed in the top 25.
Several teams lost at the bottom of the rankings but Tennessee lost to Stanford by TWENTY SEVEN who lost to unranked (now ranked) Texas in the same week. And unbelievably, Tennessee moves from 23 to 22.
Is it the name? The history? The hopeful thoughts of having them a factor again?
Bottom line. Polls are crap. It's just fodder for internet discussion. I'm thankful for them. It give me something to write about.
And UConn is NO. 1!!!!!!
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No Games Until Saturday, 12/28
Rankings and RPI Sites
By David in Naples!!!!!
Olivia picked an odd game to have her coming out party. The evening started weird with Geno missing from the bench. It got odd quickly. Consider:
1. Olivia played 37 minutes and scored 27 points.
2. She grabbed 15 rebounds and made 13 baskets.
3. Liv blocked 7 shots and dominated in the lane.
4. She tried 3 free throws and made 1.
5. ONO added 3 assists and pilfered 1 steal.
6. In addition to Liv’s 27, the other starters scored 3, 11, 17 and 19 points.
7. The final score was 97-53.
A great, although very odd, victory for the Huskies...!!
Go UConn..!!!
1. Olivia played 37 minutes and scored 27 points.
2. She grabbed 15 rebounds and made 13 baskets.
3. Liv blocked 7 shots and dominated in the lane.
4. She tried 3 free throws and made 1.
5. ONO added 3 assists and pilfered 1 steal.
6. In addition to Liv’s 27, the other starters scored 3, 11, 17 and 19 points.
7. The final score was 97-53.
A great, although very odd, victory for the Huskies...!!
Go UConn..!!!
Top Twenty-Five Scores and Links
Upsets in Red
Upsets in Red
No Games Until Saturday, 12/28
Statistical Sites
Rankings and RPI Sites
Message Boards
UConn Territory - The best UConn women's message board ever!!!
College Fans Only - WCBB board where no holds are barred
Vol Nation - Tennessee women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
ND Nation - Notre Dame women's basketball board
Rebkell - WCBB for everyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else
I'm always open for suggestions. Just please reply to this blog or email me at:Thus articles Doggy's Doghouse 12/23/19
that is all articles Doggy's Doghouse 12/23/19 This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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