Title : Doggy's Doghouse 2/22/20
link : Doggy's Doghouse 2/22/20
Doggy's Doghouse 2/22/20
So, I saying goes, "I went to a fight and a basketball game broke out"....or something like that.
Like EVERY UCF game, this one was full of physicality and UConn did a good job matching the Knights on that end.
I'm sure the fans would have like to seen more scoring for UConn, but UCF just disrupts everything a team wants to do on offense. The Huskies don't have the offense to counter that more than they did. But it was enough for the win.
Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, not even Olivia Nelson-Ododa, who got smacked in the nose and only played 24 minutes because of that.
Senior ceremonies were great and I always love to see those seniors start. It was awesome that they left with a 2-0 lead. Great pass from Camara to Irwin for the score.
Megan Walker was terrific in this game producing another double double. She hit 4-6 threes for her 20 points. Anna Makurat also hit 4-6 threes, including some big ones in the 3rd quarter to help extend UConn's lead to 20 points. She ended up with 17 points. I really love her game.
I'm sure Geno is glad this game is done and that there might be only one more matchup with this team in the AAC tournament. I know I will be rooting for them to lose before UConn would have to face them. I just don't like that style of game.
Up next for UConn is a two game road swing, first in Cincinnati and then a trip to Houston. UConn beat Cincinnati by 30 and Houston by 40. We will see how much a difference a road game makes. I'm guessing not much.
Game Highlights
Senior Day Ceremonies
Full Game Replay
Well, it was a decent game for DoggyDaddy prediction wise. Got some right, got some wrong.
I don't expect UConn to shoot 38% from the field and 5-19 on threes. Check.
I can't imagine Central Florida scoring 25 points in the last quarter again. Check.
I would imagine it would be difficult for them to reach 45. Oops.
UConn should get to at least 65 in this one. Check.
So, I'll just do the math and say UConn by 20+. Well......close but no cigar.

And just one spectacular move that will make UConn fans salivate for next season!
UConn had 18 turnovers against UCF. That is 18 shots not taken, 18 shots never made. For the game the Huskies shot 43% on the shots they took. Eliminate 11 turnovers and taken 11 shots instead. Make 4 or 5 and add 8-10 points to the score. Maybe 9-12 points if some shots are threes.
Bottom line. Turnovers are shots not taken. Don’t take 18 shots and you win by 13 points. Cut down on turnovers and you win by 20+ points. Winning by 20+ is better.
Go Huskies..!!
Yes, you know when I post the Pied Piper image I'm about to show you Paige Bueckers highlights.
Here are a couple of videos you will enjoy.
Paige Bueckers shined on her SENIOR NIGHT with 20 & 11 💫 @paigebueckers1 pic.twitter.com/SE3Ou3TA9y— Overtime (@overtime) February 22, 2020
More Senior Night Highlights
And just one spectacular move that will make UConn fans salivate for next season!
Last home game at the Hop and @paigebueckers1 putting on a clinic.— Kendal Shell 🏁 (@Shell_Ken) February 22, 2020
triple move ▶️ split the defender ▶️ no look pocket pass to @maya_nnaji23 🤮🤝
(pace mixed w the change of speed & direction 🔥 she’s so special) pic.twitter.com/Dcory4hCTH
Hoping that this incredible talent will bring along her BFF Azzi Fudd in 2021. Check this out!!!
Azzi Fudd's game highlights against Bishop Denis Joseph O'Connell High School. Fudd scored 43 points, on 21 shots, and made 9 3-pointers in less than 25 minutes of play. She also was presented with a commemorative ball for scoring her 2,000 career point.
By David in Naples!!!!
UConn had 18 turnovers against UCF. That is 18 shots not taken, 18 shots never made. For the game the Huskies shot 43% on the shots they took. Eliminate 11 turnovers and taken 11 shots instead. Make 4 or 5 and add 8-10 points to the score. Maybe 9-12 points if some shots are threes.
Bottom line. Turnovers are shots not taken. Don’t take 18 shots and you win by 13 points. Cut down on turnovers and you win by 20+ points. Winning by 20+ is better.
Go Huskies..!!
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College Fans Only - WCBB board where no holds are barred
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CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
ND Nation - Notre Dame women's basketball board
Rebkell - WCBB for everyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else
I'm always open for suggestions. Just please reply to this blog or email me at:
So, I saying goes, "I went to a fight and a basketball game broke out"....or something like that.
Like EVERY UCF game, this one was full of physicality and UConn did a good job matching the Knights on that end.
I'm sure the fans would have like to seen more scoring for UConn, but UCF just disrupts everything a team wants to do on offense. The Huskies don't have the offense to counter that more than they did. But it was enough for the win.
Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, not even Olivia Nelson-Ododa, who got smacked in the nose and only played 24 minutes because of that.
Senior ceremonies were great and I always love to see those seniors start. It was awesome that they left with a 2-0 lead. Great pass from Camara to Irwin for the score.
Megan Walker was terrific in this game producing another double double. She hit 4-6 threes for her 20 points. Anna Makurat also hit 4-6 threes, including some big ones in the 3rd quarter to help extend UConn's lead to 20 points. She ended up with 17 points. I really love her game.
I'm sure Geno is glad this game is done and that there might be only one more matchup with this team in the AAC tournament. I know I will be rooting for them to lose before UConn would have to face them. I just don't like that style of game.
Up next for UConn is a two game road swing, first in Cincinnati and then a trip to Houston. UConn beat Cincinnati by 30 and Houston by 40. We will see how much a difference a road game makes. I'm guessing not much.
Game Highlights
Senior Day Ceremonies
Full Game Replay
Well, it was a decent game for DoggyDaddy prediction wise. Got some right, got some wrong.
I don't expect UConn to shoot 38% from the field and 5-19 on threes. Check.
I can't imagine Central Florida scoring 25 points in the last quarter again. Check.
I would imagine it would be difficult for them to reach 45. Oops.
UConn should get to at least 65 in this one. Check.
So, I'll just do the math and say UConn by 20+. Well......close but no cigar.

And just one spectacular move that will make UConn fans salivate for next season!
Yes, you know when I post the Pied Piper image I'm about to show you Paige Bueckers highlights.
Here are a couple of videos you will enjoy.
Paige Bueckers shined on her SENIOR NIGHT with 20 & 11 💫 @paigebueckers1 pic.twitter.com/SE3Ou3TA9y— Overtime (@overtime) February 22, 2020
More Senior Night Highlights
And just one spectacular move that will make UConn fans salivate for next season!
Last home game at the Hop and @paigebueckers1 putting on a clinic.— Kendal Shell 🏁 (@Shell_Ken) February 22, 2020
triple move ▶️ split the defender ▶️ no look pocket pass to @maya_nnaji23 🤮🤝
(pace mixed w the change of speed & direction 🔥 she’s so special) pic.twitter.com/Dcory4hCTH
Hoping that this incredible talent will bring along her BFF Azzi Fudd in 2021. Check this out!!!
Azzi Fudd's game highlights against Bishop Denis Joseph O'Connell High School. Fudd scored 43 points, on 21 shots, and made 9 3-pointers in less than 25 minutes of play. She also was presented with a commemorative ball for scoring her 2,000 career point.
src="" style="cursor: move;" width="320">
UConn had 18 turnovers against UCF. That is 18 shots not taken, 18 shots never made. For the game the Huskies shot 43% on the shots they took. Eliminate 11 turnovers and taken 11 shots instead. Make 4 or 5 and add 8-10 points to the score. Maybe 9-12 points if some shots are threes.
Bottom line. Turnovers are shots not taken. Don’t take 18 shots and you win by 13 points. Cut down on turnovers and you win by 20+ points. Winning by 20+ is better.
Go Huskies..!!
By David in Naples!!!!
UConn had 18 turnovers against UCF. That is 18 shots not taken, 18 shots never made. For the game the Huskies shot 43% on the shots they took. Eliminate 11 turnovers and taken 11 shots instead. Make 4 or 5 and add 8-10 points to the score. Maybe 9-12 points if some shots are threes.
Bottom line. Turnovers are shots not taken. Don’t take 18 shots and you win by 13 points. Cut down on turnovers and you win by 20+ points. Winning by 20+ is better.
Go Huskies..!!
Top Twenty-Five Scores and Links
Upsets in Red
Rankings and RPI Sites
Message Boards
UConn Territory - The best UConn women's message board ever!!!
College Fans Only - WCBB board where no holds are barred
Vol Nation - Tennessee women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
ND Nation - Notre Dame women's basketball board
Rebkell - WCBB for everyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else
I'm always open for suggestions. Just please reply to this blog or email me at:
Thus articles Doggy's Doghouse 2/22/20
that is all articles Doggy's Doghouse 2/22/20 This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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