Title : Doggy's Doghouse 2/6/20
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Doggy's Doghouse 2/6/20
I wrote this before the last Memphis game and my concern certainly was warranted.
"Not a lot of height for Memphis, but they do have a 6'4" center Dulcy Fankam Mendjiadeu. She is pretty physical and maybe we can see how Olivia does against her. I'd love to see her handle the physical play better than she did against Baylor."
Well, Olivia only was able to play 27 minutes as she was in constant foul trouble in this game trying to guard Fankam Mendjiadeu. And Mendjiadeu was able to score 21 points and grab 10 rebounds in 34 minutes. She dominated the paint when she had the ball on offense getting to the line 10 times making 9 of them.
I predicted a 40 point win in the last game they played in Memphis and was only off by 28 points. I'll try to do better this time. I'll stick with the 40+ point win for the Huskies. I can't be that wrong again, can I???
"Not a lot of height for Memphis, but they do have a 6'4" center Dulcy Fankam Mendjiadeu. She is pretty physical and maybe we can see how Olivia does against her. I'd love to see her handle the physical play better than she did against Baylor."
Well, Olivia only was able to play 27 minutes as she was in constant foul trouble in this game trying to guard Fankam Mendjiadeu. And Mendjiadeu was able to score 21 points and grab 10 rebounds in 34 minutes. She dominated the paint when she had the ball on offense getting to the line 10 times making 9 of them.
I predicted a 40 point win in the last game they played in Memphis and was only off by 28 points. I'll try to do better this time. I'll stick with the 40+ point win for the Huskies. I can't be that wrong again, can I???
Highlights from the prior game
In a game that is always of interest to me if only because it involves Tennessee, No. 8 Mississippi handled No, 23 Lady Vols 72-55 in Knoxville.
It was more of the same for Tennessee against a highly rated team. They are now 1-5 against teams in the Top 40 RPI beating only LSU.
I suppose you can give them some slack based on the fact that their best player, Rennia Davis, was out with the flu. Rae Burrell did a great job in trying to take up the scoring slack scoring 20 points on 8-20 shooting, but she plays out of control and had 6 turnovers. Turnovers are the big bug-a-boo for the Lady Vols. They had 23 in this game, one more time they had 20+ turnovers in a game. After a while you just have to understand that this is just who they are. Will they win a few more games? Of course. But I can't imagine them going far in the SEC tournament and certainly not very far in the NCAA tournament.
It was more of the same for Tennessee against a highly rated team. They are now 1-5 against teams in the Top 40 RPI beating only LSU.
I suppose you can give them some slack based on the fact that their best player, Rennia Davis, was out with the flu. Rae Burrell did a great job in trying to take up the scoring slack scoring 20 points on 8-20 shooting, but she plays out of control and had 6 turnovers. Turnovers are the big bug-a-boo for the Lady Vols. They had 23 in this game, one more time they had 20+ turnovers in a game. After a while you just have to understand that this is just who they are. Will they win a few more games? Of course. But I can't imagine them going far in the SEC tournament and certainly not very far in the NCAA tournament.
In an upset, No. 17 Florida State took down No. 5 Louisville 67-59 on the Cardinals home court.
There was plenty of talk on the message boards last week on the fact that Louisville was a No. 1 seed and UConn was a No. 2 seed. Many UConn fans thought that was not a good representation of the two teams position.
Then UConn lost to No. 3 Oregon and that argument slipped away. It was clear that Louisville deserved that No. 1 seed.
So, now what? Clearly Louisville losing to a lower ranking team on their home court should put them below UConn. So are both teams a No. 2 seed and someone else would slide up to a No. 1 seed?
I'm just glad I don't have to make these decisions. We will find out soon enough. UConn will be playing No. 1 South Carolina on Monday. They Huskies can take matters into their own hands with an upset win in Columbia.
By David in Naples!!!!
Of the five players who will graduate/leave UConn after this season, Crystal will most likely be missed the most. In addition to senior leadership, Dangerfield played the best in the two toughest games this season, Baylor and Oregon. She scored 35 combined points on 13-27 shooting. That is 48% and includes going 8-14 from three point range (57%). She played 39+ minutes in each game. Without her points and leadership, both games would have been even worse than they were. That is a scary thought...
For her career, Crystal is now #7 all-time on UConn's assist list with 556. Just 4 more will move her past Bria Hartley into 6th place. At #5 is Sue Bird at 585 assists. Dangerfield also has now scored 1,334 points and sits in 37th place. Another 75 points will vault her into 30th place all-time. Cracking the top 20 in scoring may be hard, but 25th place is in reach given her 15.9 points per game. Both results will position Crystal as one of the top point guards in UConn history.
Go Huskies..!!
Top Twenty-Five Scores and Links
Upsets in Red
No. 1 South Carolina 86 No. 25 Arkansas 65
No. 5 Louisville 59 No. 17 Florida State 67
No. 7 NC State 71 Virginia Tech 59
No. 8 Mississippi State 72 No. 23 Tennessee 55
No. 11 Gonzaga at Pacific
No. 13 Maryland 79 No. 18 Indiana 69
No. 15 Kentucky 66 Alabama 62
No. 20 Iowa 76 Nebraska 60
No. 5 Louisville 59 No. 17 Florida State 67
No. 7 NC State 71 Virginia Tech 59
No. 8 Mississippi State 72 No. 23 Tennessee 55
No. 11 Gonzaga at Pacific
No. 13 Maryland 79 No. 18 Indiana 69
No. 15 Kentucky 66 Alabama 62
No. 20 Iowa 76 Nebraska 60
Statistical Sites
Rankings and RPI Sites
UConn Territory - The best UConn women's message board ever!!!
College Fans Only - WCBB board where no holds are barred
Vol Nation - Tennessee women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
ND Nation - Notre Dame women's basketball board
Rebkell - WCBB for everyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else
I'm always open for suggestions. Just please reply to this blog or email me at:
I wrote this before the last Memphis game and my concern certainly was warranted.
"Not a lot of height for Memphis, but they do have a 6'4" center Dulcy Fankam Mendjiadeu. She is pretty physical and maybe we can see how Olivia does against her. I'd love to see her handle the physical play better than she did against Baylor."
Well, Olivia only was able to play 27 minutes as she was in constant foul trouble in this game trying to guard Fankam Mendjiadeu. And Mendjiadeu was able to score 21 points and grab 10 rebounds in 34 minutes. She dominated the paint when she had the ball on offense getting to the line 10 times making 9 of them.
I predicted a 40 point win in the last game they played in Memphis and was only off by 28 points. I'll try to do better this time. I'll stick with the 40+ point win for the Huskies. I can't be that wrong again, can I???
"Not a lot of height for Memphis, but they do have a 6'4" center Dulcy Fankam Mendjiadeu. She is pretty physical and maybe we can see how Olivia does against her. I'd love to see her handle the physical play better than she did against Baylor."
Well, Olivia only was able to play 27 minutes as she was in constant foul trouble in this game trying to guard Fankam Mendjiadeu. And Mendjiadeu was able to score 21 points and grab 10 rebounds in 34 minutes. She dominated the paint when she had the ball on offense getting to the line 10 times making 9 of them.
I predicted a 40 point win in the last game they played in Memphis and was only off by 28 points. I'll try to do better this time. I'll stick with the 40+ point win for the Huskies. I can't be that wrong again, can I???
Highlights from the prior game
In a game that is always of interest to me if only because it involves Tennessee, No. 8 Mississippi handled No, 23 Lady Vols 72-55 in Knoxville.
It was more of the same for Tennessee against a highly rated team. They are now 1-5 against teams in the Top 40 RPI beating only LSU.
I suppose you can give them some slack based on the fact that their best player, Rennia Davis, was out with the flu. Rae Burrell did a great job in trying to take up the scoring slack scoring 20 points on 8-20 shooting, but she plays out of control and had 6 turnovers. Turnovers are the big bug-a-boo for the Lady Vols. They had 23 in this game, one more time they had 20+ turnovers in a game. After a while you just have to understand that this is just who they are. Will they win a few more games? Of course. But I can't imagine them going far in the SEC tournament and certainly not very far in the NCAA tournament.
It was more of the same for Tennessee against a highly rated team. They are now 1-5 against teams in the Top 40 RPI beating only LSU.
I suppose you can give them some slack based on the fact that their best player, Rennia Davis, was out with the flu. Rae Burrell did a great job in trying to take up the scoring slack scoring 20 points on 8-20 shooting, but she plays out of control and had 6 turnovers. Turnovers are the big bug-a-boo for the Lady Vols. They had 23 in this game, one more time they had 20+ turnovers in a game. After a while you just have to understand that this is just who they are. Will they win a few more games? Of course. But I can't imagine them going far in the SEC tournament and certainly not very far in the NCAA tournament.
In an upset, No. 17 Florida State took down No. 5 Louisville 67-59 on the Cardinals home court.
There was plenty of talk on the message boards last week on the fact that Louisville was a No. 1 seed and UConn was a No. 2 seed. Many UConn fans thought that was not a good representation of the two teams position.
Then UConn lost to No. 3 Oregon and that argument slipped away. It was clear that Louisville deserved that No. 1 seed.
So, now what? Clearly Louisville losing to a lower ranking team on their home court should put them below UConn. So are both teams a No. 2 seed and someone else would slide up to a No. 1 seed?
I'm just glad I don't have to make these decisions. We will find out soon enough. UConn will be playing No. 1 South Carolina on Monday. They Huskies can take matters into their own hands with an upset win in Columbia.
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By David in Naples!!!!
Of the five players who will graduate/leave UConn after this season, Crystal will most likely be missed the most. In addition to senior leadership, Dangerfield played the best in the two toughest games this season, Baylor and Oregon. She scored 35 combined points on 13-27 shooting. That is 48% and includes going 8-14 from three point range (57%). She played 39+ minutes in each game. Without her points and leadership, both games would have been even worse than they were. That is a scary thought...
For her career, Crystal is now #7 all-time on UConn's assist list with 556. Just 4 more will move her past Bria Hartley into 6th place. At #5 is Sue Bird at 585 assists. Dangerfield also has now scored 1,334 points and sits in 37th place. Another 75 points will vault her into 30th place all-time. Cracking the top 20 in scoring may be hard, but 25th place is in reach given her 15.9 points per game. Both results will position Crystal as one of the top point guards in UConn history.
Go Huskies..!!
Top Twenty-Five Scores and Links
Upsets in Red
No. 1 South Carolina 86 No. 25 Arkansas 65
No. 5 Louisville 59 No. 17 Florida State 67
No. 7 NC State 71 Virginia Tech 59
No. 8 Mississippi State 72 No. 23 Tennessee 55
No. 11 Gonzaga at Pacific
No. 13 Maryland 79 No. 18 Indiana 69
No. 15 Kentucky 66 Alabama 62
No. 20 Iowa 76 Nebraska 60
No. 5 Louisville 59 No. 17 Florida State 67
No. 7 NC State 71 Virginia Tech 59
No. 8 Mississippi State 72 No. 23 Tennessee 55
No. 11 Gonzaga at Pacific
No. 13 Maryland 79 No. 18 Indiana 69
No. 15 Kentucky 66 Alabama 62
No. 20 Iowa 76 Nebraska 60
Statistical Sites
Rankings and RPI Sites
UConn Territory - The best UConn women's message board ever!!!
College Fans Only - WCBB board where no holds are barred
Vol Nation - Tennessee women's basketball board
CockyTalk - The upstart South Carolina women's basketball board
ND Nation - Notre Dame women's basketball board
Rebkell - WCBB for everyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else
I'm always open for suggestions. Just please reply to this blog or email me at:
Thus articles Doggy's Doghouse 2/6/20
that is all articles Doggy's Doghouse 2/6/20 This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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