Title : "House Republicans on Sunday released two articles of impeachment against Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary..."
link : "House Republicans on Sunday released two articles of impeachment against Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary..."
"House Republicans on Sunday released two articles of impeachment against Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary..."
"... charging President Biden’s top immigration official with refusing to uphold the law and breaching the public trust in his handling of a surge of migration at the U.S. border with Mexico.... The charges against Mr. Mayorkas... are all but certain to fizzle in the Democratic-led Senate.... But the process would yield a remarkable election-year political spectacle...."The first impeachment article essentially brands the Biden administration’s border policies an official crime. It accuses Mr. Mayorkas of willfully and systematically flouting laws requiring migrants to be detained....
The second article charges Mr. Mayorkas with lying to Congress about whether the border was secure and obstructing lawmakers’ efforts to investigate him....
Here's the full text of the articles of impeachment.
"... charging President Biden’s top immigration official with refusing to uphold the law and breaching the public trust in his handling of a surge of migration at the U.S. border with Mexico.... The charges against Mr. Mayorkas... are all but certain to fizzle in the Democratic-led Senate.... But the process would yield a remarkable election-year political spectacle...."
What's the "high crime"/"misdemeanor"bringing this policy disagreement within the constitutional power to impeach?
The first impeachment article essentially brands the Biden administration’s border policies an official crime. It accuses Mr. Mayorkas of willfully and systematically flouting laws requiring migrants to be detained....
The second article charges Mr. Mayorkas with lying to Congress about whether the border was secure and obstructing lawmakers’ efforts to investigate him....
Here's the full text of the articles of impeachment.
Thus articles "House Republicans on Sunday released two articles of impeachment against Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary..."
that is all articles "House Republicans on Sunday released two articles of impeachment against Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "House Republicans on Sunday released two articles of impeachment against Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary..." with the link address https://welcometoamerican.blogspot.com/2024/01/house-republicans-on-sunday-released.html
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