Title : "The United Nations on Friday fired 12 of its employees in Gaza and began an investigation of them after charges by Israel that they had helped plan and participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist assault...."
link : "The United Nations on Friday fired 12 of its employees in Gaza and began an investigation of them after charges by Israel that they had helped plan and participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist assault...."
"The United Nations on Friday fired 12 of its employees in Gaza and began an investigation of them after charges by Israel that they had helped plan and participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist assault...."
"The workers, all men and all employed by the U.N. agency that aids Palestinians and known by the acronym UNRWA, are subject to a criminal investigation, two U.N. officials said. A U.N. official, briefed on the accusations, called the allegations 'extremely serious and horrific.'... UNWRA has been the principal agency overseeing the distribution of aid to Gazans amid a growing humanitarian crisis resulting from the war launched in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack...."From "U.N. Aid Agency Investigates Claim That Some Workers Were Involved in Oct. 7 Attack/The United States temporarily cut off aid to UNRWA, the agency that aids Palestinians, citing allegations that 12 of its workers were involved in the Hamas-led assault" (NYT).
"The workers, all men and all employed by the U.N. agency that aids Palestinians and known by the acronym UNRWA, are subject to a criminal investigation, two U.N. officials said. A U.N. official, briefed on the accusations, called the allegations 'extremely serious and horrific.'... UNWRA has been the principal agency overseeing the distribution of aid to Gazans amid a growing humanitarian crisis resulting from the war launched in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack...."
From "U.N. Aid Agency Investigates Claim That Some Workers Were Involved in Oct. 7 Attack/The United States temporarily cut off aid to UNRWA, the agency that aids Palestinians, citing allegations that 12 of its workers were involved in the Hamas-led assault" (NYT).
From "U.N. Aid Agency Investigates Claim That Some Workers Were Involved in Oct. 7 Attack/The United States temporarily cut off aid to UNRWA, the agency that aids Palestinians, citing allegations that 12 of its workers were involved in the Hamas-led assault" (NYT).
Thus articles "The United Nations on Friday fired 12 of its employees in Gaza and began an investigation of them after charges by Israel that they had helped plan and participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist assault...."
that is all articles "The United Nations on Friday fired 12 of its employees in Gaza and began an investigation of them after charges by Israel that they had helped plan and participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist assault...." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "The United Nations on Friday fired 12 of its employees in Gaza and began an investigation of them after charges by Israel that they had helped plan and participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist assault...." with the link address https://welcometoamerican.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-united-nations-on-friday-fired-12.html
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